Culture status
In culture
Bramble (Rubus spp.)
Oak (Quercus robur)
Evergreen oak (Quercus ilex)
Raspberry (Rubus idaeus)
Salal (Gaultheria shallon)
Breeding notes
(by Olivier Salord)
General Notes
- this species has been imported and bred on various occasions for decades. Actually Ph. bioculatum is one of the most popular species in culture
- Tapah Hills (Western Malaysia)
- a beautiful leaf-insect with superb, large, fore legs
- Ph. bioculatum females can be different in colour, from light green to reddish-brown, and even yellow
- the specimens from my breeding stock are the green form
- my females are light green, with more or less conspicuous brownish spots
- size ranges between 80 - 95 mm long and 40 - 50 mm wide
- the abdomen is covered with a fully developed pair of fore wings, covering nearly 3/4 of its length
- males are more even in size
- about 60 mm long
- fore and hind wings are well developed
- they can fly very well
- their color is green during the first week after their final moult
- then they quickly turn golden
- newly hatched nymphs are beautiful red creatures
- when they start to feed, then they first turn brown and then green
- colour varies from light to dark brown
- they look like seeds, with five ridges
- size is about 9 x 5 mm
Food Plants
- bramble (Rubus sp.)
- oak (Quercus sp.)
- evergreen oak (Quercus ilex)
- raspbery (Rubus idaeus)
- Salal (Gaultheria shallon)
- males are very difficult to handle as they will either try to fly away or lose legs easily if handled roughly
- incubation on wet sand (23 - 28°C) is about 5 months
- males turn adult after 5 months and females after 6 months (at an avarage of 25°C)
- females can live for about 6 months
- as males mature more quickly, therefore males are prone to die before females are even adult. And then they are not available for mating ...
- fertilized females will show for a short while a sperm sack attached to their genitalia after a successful mating
- females lay more than 300 eggs throughout their whole life, with an average of 2 - 3 eggs per day
Breeding Notes
- according to my own experience, Ph. bioculatum is an easy species to be cultured
- keep them in an airy and large enclosure with fresh foliage
- hatching ratio of my first generation was quite high (80%)
- nymphs seem to appreciate strong daylight and they like drinking water droplets