Culture status
In culture
Bramble (Rubus spp.)
Ivy (Hedera helix)
Beech (Fagus sylvatica)
Breeding notes
(von Bruno Kneubühler)
General Notes
- the taxonomical position of this species is not yet clarified, but this is being researched at the moment and results should be available not too long from now. As soon as there is more information on this I will write it here
- therefore this species should be distributed for the moment with the addition "Quezon National Parc" to avoid confusion in the future
- 2009 - first successful culture of this species in Europe by Bruno Kneubühler
- 2009 - this species has been distributed unter the name Trachyareaton sp. "North-Luzon"
- North-Luzon, Philippines
- very pretty phasmids - about 8 cm long
- body covered with many spines and humps
- antennae are longer than the forelegs
- coloration are different strong brown shades, with few black and green markings
- are not known. My contact Dave Navarro got this species on several occations (also nymphs), but all were females
- about 4 x 2 mm
- dark brown (when try)
- surface is slightly rough
Food Plants
- nymphs as well as adults feed very nicely on bramble (Rubus sp.)
- they also like ivy (Hedera helix) and beech (Fagus sp.)
- but it seems that they do not at all like the very fresh bramble leaves in spring !
Breeding Notes
- a very easy to bred yet beautiful new species
- incubation of the eggs on damp (not too wet) sand, with springtails to reduce mould growth
- incubation time at room temperatures (20-23°C) is about 5 months
- hatching ration of my first generation was more than 90 %
- nymphs as well as adult can be kept in Faunaboxes (or similar cages)
- I do not spray my culture, a constantly wet paper towel on the cage floor provides enough humidity
- nevertheless arrange for good ventilation
- females will be adult after about 6 months
- about 5-6 weeks later they start to lay eggs
- they want to stick the eggs into soil, so it is necessary to provide them with soil (about 3 cm deep) in a container
- alternatively one can also use try sand, this makes is very easy to sieve the eggs out of the sand. But do not leave the eggs for more than one week in the dry sand, otherwise the eggs might be damaged (as they might need a humid environement)
- females will stick the eggs only about 1 cm deep