Culture status
Bramble (Rubus spp.)
Oak (Quercus robur)
Raspberry (Rubus idaeus)
Breeding notes
(by Bruno Kneubuehler)
General Informations
- Gray describe this species in 1835 as Cladoxerus serratipes
- this species is being cultured since quite some time, several new culture stocks have been introduced over the years
- Tapah Hills of Malaysia
Females, Males
- these are very long phasmids, females can become up to 30 cm just in body lenght. With streched-out forelegs they can become 55 cm
Food Plants
- bramble (Rubus sp.) is easily being accepted. During summer they like even more oak, raspberry
Breeding Note
- keep the eggs on a damp (not soaking wet) substrate like sand at 20 -25 °C
- use springtails to reduce mould growth, as eggs of this species tend to get mouldy very easily (especially on the lid)
- incubation time takes about 4-5 months
- nymphs are already big, with long legs and quite active. So use quite a big cage also for the nymphs
- transfer the nymphs to a bigger cage appropriate to their size, as they grow up
- keep the nymphs in an airy yet humid cage at 20 - 25 °C
- for the subadult females, the cage should be at least 1 m high to make shure that their final moult will be sucessfull
- keep the adult males seperate from the females. As they are smaller they do not need such a big cage
- only put males and females together for 2-3 days, every 2-3 weeks. Males tend to stress the females as they constantly try to mate with them
- females just let the eggs drop to the ground