Culture status
Probably lost
Privet (Ligustrum spp.)
Plantago spp.
Breeding notes
(by Bruno Kneubuehler)
General Informations
- 2008 - first successful culture of this species by Bruno Kneubühler
- Durango (Esmeralds, Ecuador)
- about 7 cm
- the membranous part of the hind wings (anal area) is bright orange in colour and visible when they fly
- they can fly easily
- about 5,5 cm
- the membranous part of the hind wings (anal area) is bright orange in colour too and visible when they fly
- they are good flyers - so watch open windows when changing food plants
- about 2x 1,5 mm
- grey or brown
Food Plants
- nymphs feed nicely on Privet (Ligustrum sp.) and Lonicera nitida (a common ground covering plants in gardens, winter green)
- adults like Privet (Ligustrum sp.) and they adore Plaintains (Plantago sp.)
Breeding Notes
- an easy to breed species
- incubation of the eggs on damp (not too wet) sand, with springtails to reduce mould growth
- incubation time at room temperatures (20-23°C) is about 4 months
- hatching ratio of my first and second generation was about 80%
- nymphs and adults can be kept in a Faunabox (or similar cage)
- keep this species in a cage with good ventilation and still high humidity
- a constantly wet paper towel on the cage helps raising humidity
- I have never sprayed nymphs or adults with water
- neither nymphs nor adults can climb or hold on to smooth surfaces (glass, plastic, even leaves)
- therefore it is nesessary that at least one side and the ceiling of the cage is covered with fly-netting (best to use fly-netting made from plastic). Such fly-netting can be attached to the cage easily with hot glue. And it will allow the insects to climb and have a good grip, which will especially be important during moulting
- male will be adult after about 3 months, females after about 4 months
- females start to lay eggs after about 2 weeks
- eggs are just dropped to the ground