Culture status
Hypericum spp.
Breeding notes
(by Yannick Bellanger)
General Informations
- provenience: Saül (French Guiana)
- F1 CB culture in 2014 by Yannick Bellanger (FR)
- further taxonomical informations ➤ Phasmida Species Files
- this is a pure culture, and serious breeders are requested to avoid mixing this culture with similar populations from a different provenience. When spreading this culture to other breeders, then always use the full name with provenience
- slender species
- body length 7 cm
- greenish with grey-brown wings
- winged
- antennae shorter than body
- very slender
- body length 5 cm
- greenish with grey-brown wings
- antennae sligthly shorter than body
- freshly hatched nymphs are light green
- about 10 mm
- on how to distinguish between male and female nymphs
- 2.5 x 1 mm
- dark brown or even black
- suface looks furry
Food Plants
- hypericum (Hypericum "Hidcote")
well accepted by nymphs and adults
Breeding, Behaviour
- nocturnal species, nymphs and adults spend the day time in the branchs and under leaves
- adults rarely try to fly
- incubation (on humid peat at 18 - 20 °C) is about 3 months
- males are adults (at 18-22°C) in 3.5 months, females in 4 months
- I keep this species in a humid cage with a little bit of ventilation
- nymphs can be kept with adults but this species dislikes overpopulation. If there are too many specimens in the same cage, they die without apparent reason
- I spray water on the ground about 2 times per week and sometime on the leaves
- this species likes a high level of humidity