Culture status
In culture
Eucalyptus spp.
Bramble (Rubus spp.)
Oak (Quercus robur)
Acacia sp.
Breeding notes
(by Giacomo Ricca)
General Notes
- etymology - from the Greek διαφέρω (diaphero) which means literally to carry or bear into different directions and from the Latin gigas which means gigantic
- until 2014 4 different Diapherodes species are or have been in culture – see PSG list on Phasmatodea.com
- this species is endemic to different Caribbean islands - e.g. Grenada
- big phasmids, 15-16 cm long
- beautiful green coloration over the whole body
- mesothorax and metathorax has laterally a row of pink spines
- spines on the metathorax legs
- yellow antennas 7 cm long
- some small humps on the mesothorax
- fore wings undeveloped
- suckers between nails which glue them to the branches
- yellow eyes
- medium sized, 11 cm long
- brown all over the body, with green spots on metathorax and mesothorax near legs
- brownish antennas 8 cm long
- fore wings as well as hind wings well developed
- first part of the hind wings are bordered with a white band
- hind wings color may vary from light brown to reddish
- about 30 mm (L1)
- brownish with green head (L1)
- generally green from L2 on
- from L3 sex can be distinguished by naked eye
- about 5 x 3 mm
- dark brown
- surface slightly textured
- egg-shaped
Food Plants
- Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.)
well accepted at all stages. They eat mainly leaves but partially also fresh and soft branches. Contrary to what some people think, it is not the food plant in the wild! - bramble (Rubus spp.)
quite well accepted by adults - oak (Quercus spp., Quercus ilex)
- males not able to fly but can make long jumps
- females wing do not jump
- females fling the eggs away with a swing of their abdomen
- mating occurs at any time, males can stay with one female for some hours
- nymphs are calm, even when they are being touched
- adult males crawl away or even jump when threatened
- no other defensive behavior observed
- incubation (on a wet paper towels sheet or vermiculite) at 20-23°C takes about 8-9 months
- hatching ration can be very high (75%)
- males become adults in about 5 months and live for another 6 months
- females become adults in about 6 months and live for 9-12 months
- few weeks after mating, the females start to fling eggs away, 1-2 per day
Breeding Notes
- easy to keep species and very beautiful
- humidity at 60% is fine for the whole development
- temperature can be between 20°C and 27°C
- a wet paper towels at the bottom of the cage keeps the correct humidity level
- spray once a day during summer, especially in the evening
- nymphs can be kept in a Faunabox (or similar cages)
- make sure that they have always the space to molt, especially just before becoming adult
- nymph mortality is usually very low
- move nymphs to a bigger cage as they grow bigger
- a cage of at least 60 x 49 x 30 cm should be provided 5 adult couples of this species